Thursday, October 11

History of Yoga

The founder of yoga is Lord Shiva but later it is
Revived by Maharshi Patanjali.
The first historical references of Yoga are from the seals found in the ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization (in modern India & Pakistan), circa 3000 BCE. These seals depict Yogic-type postures. Pashupati is the deity often depicted which various scholars connect to Shiva in the later traditions; also known to yogis as Adiguru (first teacher) of Yoga.
Yoga” derives from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which literally means “to yoke”; and in terms of philosophy it is very similar to Sankhya philosophy. While there are no direct references to Yoga in the ancient Indian texts of wisdom called the Vedas; the abstract philosophical ideas put forth are the same that yoga would later assume. The first literal references to Yoga-like practices as a means of meditation appear in early Buddhist works; whereas in Hindu scriptures the word ‘Yoga’ first appears in the Upanishads.

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