Friday, October 12

Purpose Of Yoga

 The Yoga Sutras,Patanjali describes yoga as “the progressive quieting of the fluctuations of the mind.” He then explains that through dedicated practice and the cultivation of detachment, we will stop identifying with the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that can cause us so much emotional pain—and we will open to an experience of our true self.

As Patanjali and so many other wisdom teachers have taught, who we really are goes beyond the labels and titles we often use to define ourselves. When asked “Who are you?” most people identify themselves in terms of their positions, roles, and relationships.
You might answer, “I am a math teacher,” or “I am a mother.” You may identify with where you live, saying “I’m a New Yorker.” You may also define yourself in terms of your political affiliations, your hobbies, or your culture.
Although we all have a tendency to identify ourselves with the external aspects of our lives, Yoga encourages us to go deeper into our being and find the inner place that is beyond temporary existence.

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