Thursday, October 18

Types Of Yoga

There are 4 types of yoga:-
1)Bhakti Yoga (Deals with Emotions,Devotion)
2)Hatha Yoga (Deals with Breath Control) , Also know as Meditation or Dhyan Yoga
4)Gyan Yoga    (Deals with Spiritual Knowledge)
4)Karma Yoga  (Deals with Our daily activities)

1)In Bhakti Yoga:- Enlightenment/Salvation/Liberation is achieved by channelizing emotion towards God.

Note:- God with Personality/Attributes, because emotion and devotion cannot be reflected towards impersonal God or anything.
Example:- have you ever fallen in love with air,dirt or sky? Answer: Never, we have no emotional attachment towards impersonal elements.

So how can one love impersonal, invisible, unapproachable God?
Just shouting I love God  I love God, doesn't mean anything!

Therefore Practitioners of "Bhakti Yoga" Path worship deity/idol. Directing their emotion,feelings,devotion towards Personal God (Particular Deity).

2) In Hatha Yoga (Meditation):- Enlightenment/Salvation/Liberation  is achieved by "Breath Control" Practice that leads to Awakening of Kundalini energy from Muladhar to Sahasra. (As we know that there are seven Chakra in Human body.)

Practitioners of this path are generally Lifelong celibate. They live in seclusion away from society (In jungle, Mountains, secluded place).

Practitioner of this "Hatha Yoga" path is not required to worship God or believe in any kind of God (whether Personal or Impersonal God).

It is entirely based on self experience. So Anyone can practice it irrespective of religious tag, even Athiest.
Because "Breath Control exercise"has nothing to do with whether God exist or not!

3)In Gyan Yoga:-
Enlightenment /salvation /Liberation is achieved buy contemplating on the thought that "I am soul and I am not this body. Whatever we see in existence is Manifestation of 5 elements of Nature. Everything is temporary."

Practitioners of Gyan yoga path Continuously reflect upon reality of life,soul, matter, animate & inanimate elements. They study scriptures like Upnishads,Veda in depth.

""Practitioners of This Path know very well that Any Material Object is not desired by Atma(Soul). The Self(Soul) does not perform any activity nor is influenced by them. The self(Soul) is aloof from happiness, sorrow, pious, impious, religion, beliefs, thoughts, Knowledge,Everything."

Even Knowledge/Concepts/Thoery is Not desired by  Atma(Soul)

Living life with this consciousness leads to liberation.

4)In Karma Yoga:- Enlightenment/salvation/ liberation is achieved by bringing perfection in Activities, Lifestyle, Behaviour, Speech.
 In Nutshell, Becoming Ideal Human Being in society and living completely in tune with nature.
Example- As per scriptures, A king named Janak, achieved liberation simply by performing his Administrative duties honestly with Compassion.

Practitioners of this Path are generally householders who is living family life or social life.

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